[HOLIDAY SPECIAL] Carbon X (Thymus, Pigmentation, Relaxation & Nerve) Regulator
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Carbon X
Carbon is one of the most essential minerals in the existence of life. Without it matter would not be able to materialize. Carbon X regulates the thymus gland and keeps it active, which in return strengthens the immune system. This happens due to strengthening the T cells which are generated in the thymus gland. If the thymus gland is in optimal health, this means that T cells are also being produced & operating adequately. This is extremely important due to the fact that most people's thymus gland depletes after age 8 and becomes inactive fatty tissue.
If the Thymus gland regulates sex, keeps you calm/ reduces stress, and is a power player in immune functionality, one can easily see that keeping this gland nourished is key to a beneficial & fulfilling life. The presence of carbon keeps the thymus gland active and operating as it should.
Carbon X also feeds the melanocytes of the skin reversing pigmentation & vitiligo issues, increases Libido, stabilizes mood - Calm/Relaxation, & optimizes Overall Health.
Get Fast and Effective Benefits from Cleansing
To maintain optimum health, it is important to remove harmful toxins from the cells so your body can function properly. Carbon X nourishes & regulates the Thymus Gland, Pigmentation, Melanocytes, Skin & Nerves. Rids of mucus, heavy metals, harmful chemicals, eradicates most diseases especially when combined with an alkaline diet and fasting.
Carbon X neutralizes toxins which improves your digestive system & immune system making it more effective, increasing energy levels, attributes to weight loss, prevents constipation and improves your overall health and well being.
Liquid Use: 2-4 TBSP AM & PM
Tablet Use: 2-3 Tablets AM & PM
Guaranteed to work every time! 🌿
100% Alkaline
100% Non-GMO
100% Gelatin Free
100% Gluten Free
100% Soy Free
100% Organically Grown
For “All Countries” outside of the USA, we recommend getting tablets instead of the liquid due to the longer transit to your location. You can always make a liquid with the capsules contents. We ship globally!
Taking this once or twice a day will provide your cells & organs with all the alkaline minerals that they need to cleanse & function at optimum health! These are some amazing herbs, Give them a try!
See What Our Customers Are Saying:
Try Our Cell Repair Package, It will remove mucus from the cells of the organs & body that has been compromised by breaking the membrane of the cell caused by consuming mucus creating foods. This package breaks mucus down and flushes it out, it also contains compounds that revitalize the body with ENERGY by providing it with the minerals that are in accordance with each part of the human body. For any questions please feel free to message us!