Eczema Deflammant & Removal Package | Natural & Alkaline | Eczema Relief
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Our Eczema Deflammant & Removal Package relieves the burn and irritation of the skin do to inflammation in the epidermis layer of the skin. We target the eczema from inside the body as well as externally. This gives us profound results when dealing with eczema.
This package not only soothes & calms the inflammation internally and externally, but it also moisturizes and hydrates the skin. Leaving your skin glowing and feel renewed. This also stops dryness and peeling. For the best results we recommend fasting to relieve the body of mucus which caused the inflammation in the skin the begin with. Stay away from these foods: Milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, honey, artificial chocolate, fish/sea animals, hybrid/gmo/seedless fruits. These foods also can cause tumors overtime, so its a good rule of thumb to keep them at a distance when using this package. We will provide you with our Cosmic Body Food Guide to create alkaline meals. Most foods/meals that you enjoy can be created with non-mucus creating alkaline ingredients.
Whats Included:
•Eczema Deflammant Herbal Capsules ($36 Value)
•Eczema Deflammant Cream ($40 Value)
•Eczema Skin Moisterizer ($40 Value)
•Eczema Deflammer Soap ($20 Value)
•Eczema Deflammant Teas ($30 Value)
100% Alkaline
100% Non-GMO
100% Gelatin Free
100% Gluten Free
100% Soy Free
100% Organically Grown
Taking these daily will provide your cells & organs with all the minerals that they need allowing the body to function at optimum health! This is an amazing compound, Give them a try!
For any questions please feel free to message us!