Parasite Deappetizer Herbal Tablets - Rids of Internal Parisites
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Helping people in need during this time rebuild their bodies by keeping our products affordable!
Parasite Deappetizer - Simply Kills off & Removes parasites from the body, which has an immediate positive effect on your overall wellbeing.
100% Free of Gelatin Caps & Veggie Caps. Reminding your cells that they are Cosmic!
(Benefits Below) Herbal Ingredients: Mullen Hydrangea Chaparral Nettle Sage, Plus a few additional ALKALINE plants that target removing unwanted entities (parasites) from the body.
100% Alkaline 100% Non-GMO 100% Gelatin Free 100% Gluten Free 100% Soy Free 100% Organically Grown.
Taking these daily will provide your cells & organs with the protection they need from parasites! These are some amazing herbs, Give them a try!
Mullein Benefits: A study by “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine” done in 2012 exhibited that mullein leaf extract is potent against parasites as it killed tape worms and round worms.
Hydrangea Benefits: The compounds in hydrangea root have been used to treat autoimmune diseases and kill parasites, used as a diuretic and blood cleanser, and used to remove calcification to treat bladder and kidney stones.
Chaparral Benefits: It is anti-pathogenic. In other words it drives microbes and parasites from the body. Chaparral has even shown much promise with herpes. Studies show that chaparral may also inhibit cell proliferation as well as DNA synthesis. Nettle Benefits: Kills intestinal worms and parasites
Sage Benefits: Sage significantly reduces the number of eggs of three intestinal parasites in only five days. These included two types of pinworms and one type of tapeworm. These and other parasitic worms are called helminths. For any questions please feel free to message us!