Strengthen The Heart Muscle Herbal Tablets - Increased Heart Health
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Our Herbal Tablets are made by hand with a pill press, so you get absolutely 100% Just Herbs.
Strengthen The Heart Muscle Tablets do exactly what the title says,”Strengthens The Heart Muscle”. Overall increases the health of the heart.
100% Free of Gelatin Caps
Reminding your cells that they are Cosmic!
(Benefits Below)
Herbal Ingredients: Lily Of The Valley Burdock Ginkgo Bugleweed
100% Alkaline
100% Non-GMO
100% Gelatin Free
100% Gluten Free
100% Soy Free
100% Organically Grown
Taking these daily will provide your heart with all the alkaline minerals it needs to cleanse, pump blood, & function at optimum health! These are some amazing herbs, Give them a try!
Lily Of The Valley Benefits: Lily-of-the-valley is used for heart problems including heart failure and irregular heartbeat. Enables the heart to function more regularly and efficiently, reducing excessive irritability of the heart’s tissues without increasing the amount of oxygen required by the heart muscle.
Burdock Benefits: Used for centuries, this herb is believed to slow aging, improve heart health, and treat cancer. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have been shown to soften hardened arteries and eliminate toxins from the bloodstream. With increased arterial flexibility and purified blood, the heart can more easily and steadily receive oxygen.
Ginkgo Benefits: Improves Circulation and Heart Health Ginkgo's apparent ability to increase blood flow to various parts of the body may be the origin of many of its supposed benefits. One study showed, people with heart disease who supplemented with ginkgo revealed an immediate increase in blood flow to multiple parts of the body.
Bugleweed Benefits: This herb is thought to aid in normalizing heart rate, which is indicative of its potential as a treatment for an abnormally rapid heart rate.
Our Cell Repair Package will remove mucus from the cells of the organs & body that has been compromised by breaking the membrane of the cell caused by consuming mucus creating foods. This package breaks mucus down and flushes it out, then revitalizes the body with the minerals that are in accordance with each part of the human body. This one of our signature products!
If your interested in achieving a completely healthy alkaline lifestyle and learn about herbal healing, contact us at We look forward to speaking with you about bringing your health/fitness goals & dreams to reality! For any questions please feel free to message us!