✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Looking for a boost of energy⚡️ for the next 24hrs without the Caffeine Crash? Our plant-based🌿 24hr Energy gives you energy throughout the day unlike the caffeine-crash favorites (Energy drinks, coffee, 5 hour energy).
24 hour energy raise is the reservoir of electricity within the body and it holds you there until you naturally deplete your energy throughout the day.
No need to run to the caffeine crashers when there is an organic natural option!
The late great Dr.Sebi spoke extensively about Iron, and how it’s the spark plug mineral of the human body. He touted the understanding that Iron is the only mineral that is magnetic and draws all the other 102+ minerals to it. So it’s safe to say if you take Iron, you are taking all the other necessary minerals on the planet.
If you take Iron Oxide which is Ferrous Sulfate (the iron in rock form that they smelt down to make bridges & structures with) we can’t give that to our body it will hurt you, because the human body was not designed to digest a rock! We provide Iron Fluorine & Phosphate, which is Iron from a natural plant, and you can take as much as you’d like! You can take it all day and it will nourish you every time!
Use: Take 2 TBSP in the AM & PM
(Benefits Below)
Herbal Ingredients:
Sarsaparilla & Cocolmeca
*Plus 11 additional ALKALINE plants that contain some of the most iron rich plants on the planet.
100% Alkaline
100% Non-GMO
100% Gluten Free
100% Soy Free
100% Organically Grown
For “All Countries” outside of the USA, we recommend getting tablets instead of the liquid due to the longer transit to your location. You can always make a liquid with the capsules contents. We ship globally!
Taking these daily will provide your body with its most needed mineral, IRON! These are some amazing herbs, Give them a try!
Sarsaparilla Benefits:
Sarsaparilla contains the some of highest amounts of plant based Iron (Iron Fluorine) of all herbs. Iron fluorine is responsible for building and maintaining a strong immune system and is essential for blood production. Sarsaparilla helps detoxify the blood and liver and is also great for treating person suffering with anemia.
Burdock Benefits:
Burdock is an amazing Iron Rich plant. People take burdock to regulate the body, increase urine flow, kill germs, reduce fever, and “purify” their blood. It is also used to treat colds, cancer, anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, joint pain (rheumatism), gout, bladder infections, complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis.
Nettle Benefits:
Nettle’s iron content makes it a wonderful blood builder, and aids in iron absorption in the body. As a herb rich in iron nettles are excellent for anaemia.
Dandelion Benefits:
Dandelion is an extremely nutrient dense herb. It is rich in minerals such as Iron. It is also an essential nutrient that helps keep your cell membranes in tip top shape.
For any questions please feel free to message us! It works fast because it is in liquid form, so it gets into the blood stream faster than capsules or dry powder.
See What Our Customers Are Saying:
Reminding your cells that they are Cosmic!
100% Alkaline
100% Non-GMO
100% Gelatin Free
100% Gluten Free
100% Soy Free
100% Organically Grown
Taking this daily will provide your cells, & organs with all the alkaline minerals that they need to cleanse & function at optimum health! These are some amazing herbs, Give them a try!
Our Cell Repair Package will remove mucus from the cells of the organs & body that has been compromised by breaking the membrane of the cell caused by consuming mucus creating foods. This package breaks mucus down and flushes it out, then revitalizes the body with the minerals that are in accordance with each part of the human body.