Alkaline Eye Drops
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
From irritated eyes to stigmatism’s this Alkaline Eye Wash is your eyes new hero.
Relieves dry eyes, iris pains, inflammation, & alleviate build up of mucus from each cell of the eye and the mucus membrane.
Our eyes, for perceiving physical reality & ethereal reality are very important & vital so just like we have to take showers to wash the day off and be fresh afterwards, we must take the same precautions for our eyes. Healthy eyes mean healthy vision and with clear vision you can effectively accomplish your missions.
This Alkaline Eye Wash contain Eye bright & Chaparral, together they rectify dry eyes, eye infections, iritis, keratitis, pink eye, Eye fatigue glaucoma, & inflammation of the tear ducts. 2 very potent alkaline herbs that target the relief of mucus & inflammation, as well as provide the targeted body part with the alkaline minerals it needs to heal a rejuvenate the damaged cells.
EYE BRIGHT - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, ASTRINGENT (HELPS TO DRY UP SECRETIONS AND RELIEVE INFLAMMATION OF MUCUS MEMBRANES) Eyebright also prevents skin damage, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, protect the liver, and reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes and inflammation from colds and coughs.
These 2 herbs on their own are so powerful but together they make solid foundations for healthy eyes & sight. What A Team!