[HOLIDAY SPECIAL] CRAMPS - "Reduces Cramps & Pains During Menstruation"
✔️Rid of Excess Mucous
✔️Boost Energy & Internal Oxygen
✔️Improve Gut Health & Digestion
✔️100% Alkaline Vegan Ingredients
Designed To Reduces Cramps & Pains During Menstruation
Designed To Reduce Cramps & Pain During Menstruation. Menstrual cramps, also referred to as dysmenorrhea are throbbing pains experienced in the lower abdomen. Women experience menstrual cramps immediately before and during their periods. While for some women dysmenorrhea can be merely aggravating, for others however, the pains are severe, enough to paralyze their daily activities for days.This compound was designed to relieve that pain naturally.
TABLET USAGE: TAKE 2 IN THE AM & PM (regulates pain & blood flow)
TEA USAGE: 2 TSP or 2 Tablets in 8OZ of H2O (Make tea if experiencing extreme pain)
As mentioned above, Menstrual cramps are throbbing pains experienced in the lower abdomen. Women experience menstrual cramps immediately before and during their periods. While for some women dysmenorrhea can be merely aggravating, for others however, the pains are severe, enough to paralyze their daily activities for days. We designed this compound using herbs such as Ginger which is known as "Natures Ibeprofin" and Angelica which is known as "Natures Asprin". The herbs in this compound combination remove cramping pains with ease.
The common causes of menstrual cramps include heavy flow, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical stenosis and passing clots among others. Besides the chilling pains in the lower abdomen, some women also experience nausea, loose stools, headache, and dizziness. This compound assists the body in flushing out waste by breaking down inflammation. So if you have painful cramps due to fibroids, this helps break down the waste/acidity/inflammation within the fibroid simultaneously while giving you energy. By providing the body with energy, this effectively reduces nausea, loose stools, headache, and dizziness.
The key to reducing menstrual cramps lies in treating its probable causes. Continue reading about these probable causes below.
Cramps, before and during a period, result from blood flow being stagnated or slowing down due to the chilling effects that uterus contractions may cause, which ultimately causes lower abdominal/pelvic pain. When the blood flow is stagnated, women feel whats known as a cramp in that area our that entire blood flow chain/passage way.
Think of it like a Ice Cube. When its frozen, the water molecules are slowed down/stagnated. When the Ice Cube is heated up or warmed up it melts and the water can flow easily again. This is why when a heating pad is used during menstruation, it eases the cramps. Its warming the blood & its passage ways allowing the blood to flow more freely without being stagnated or slowed down as much. This what we designed this compound to do naturally, by using specific herbs that create a warming effect. *These warming properties heat up the blood passage ways preventing blood stagnation caused by the chilling effects of uterus contractions.
As a woman's period approaches, levels of the hormone progesterone change. Reduced levels of progesterone cause the uterus to shed its lining, which is what causes menstrual bleeding. This also causes inflammation to take place causing blood passage ways to swell. We designed this compound to ease inflammation in these passage ways so the blood flows more freely, reducing the potential of experiencing excruciating cramps. This compound also nourishes the blood with the plant mineral of Iron. Iron electrifies the blood, removes impurities, and breaks down inflammation. Sebi would always say "Its the spark plug mineral for the blood and body!".
As well as causing menstrual bleeding, research shows that changes in progesterone and estrogen levels cause the body to retain more water and salt. The body's cells become swollen with water, causing the feeling of bloating. We designed this compound to help the body reduce excess water & sodium retention while simultaneously nourishing the blood and cells.
Our studies indicate that women retained most water and experienced the worst bloating on the first day of their period. These should be taken as needed.
- Avoid Salty Foods as the sodium they contain increases the body’s water retention. Typically avoid processed foods and try to focus more on fresh organic alkaline ingredients. A maximum target 1,500 mg per day is advised.
- Eat More Potassium-rich Foods as they can help reduce period bloating by decreasing sodium levels and increases urine production. This can reduce water retention and improve period bloating. Potassium rich foods include: seamoss, cantaloupe, baby bananas, avocados and tomatoes
- Avoid Refined Carbohydrates such as white flour and processed sugars, as they can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This increases the level of insulin in the blood, which causes the kidneys to retain more sodium. Increased sodium levels lead to more water retention. Eating fresh fruit and diuretic herbs before & during menstruation are best for reducing bloating. The fruit don’t have a high content of sodium and the diuretic herbs helps to excrete excess fluid & activates urination.
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Alkaline Feminine Heaven - Female Alkaline Cosmetic Product Line. Designed to provide the female body with everything it needs during any given time, during pregnancy & especially the sacred monthly cycles using the alkaline approach. No Chemicals, Waste, or Contaminants. 100% Naturally Alkaline!
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